
Hier ein paar Bilder von der Pflanzung der Walnussbäume im August 2022 auf dem Hang neben der neuen Butshok Gompa, die letztes Jahr fertiggestellt wurde. Die Apfelbäumchen (letztes Bild), die Himalaya Karuna e.V. ebenfalls mitfinanziert hat, wurden zum Teil schon 2021 gepflanzt.


Last week, we were able to transfer the support for our projects to Nepal. A total of over € 6,000.00 for meals for elderly people, and in support of school children, English teachers and the orchard.  The current photo from February 9 shows some of the 325 walnut trees in Kathmandu that will be transported to Manang in spring.
Here are a few pictures of the planting of the walnut trees in August 2022 on the flank next to the new Butshok Gompa, which was completed last year. The apple trees (last picture), which Himalaya Karuna e.V. also co-financed, were partly planted in 2021.