Hier ein paar wunderbare Bilder von der Einweihungs- und Eröffnungszeremonie mit Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche!
Weitere Infos zu der Historie des Projektes und Fotos vom Bau der Butshok Gompa finden Sie unter Projekte-Tempel.
New Butshok Gompa inauguration
On May 18 and 19, 2023, the inauguration ceremony for the new Butshok Gompa took place - led by the grand master Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche. The entire village community and many visitors are
present, it is an impressive huge event! After the ceremony, there is music, dancing and many tributes and thanks for all donors and helpers - our association Himalaya Karuna e.V. and all members
present are also personally thanked.
Here are some wonderful pictures of the inauguration and opening ceremony with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche! Further information on the history of the project and photos of the construction of the
Butshok Gompa can be found under Projects-Temple.