Manang is one of the most remote and least populated parts of northern Nepal and is largely inhabited by people of Tibetan descent. Tibetan Buddhism is more than a religion there - it provides community cohesion. Everyday life is closely linked to monastic activities and the Buddhist temple - the gompa - is the center of social life, as there is no other local social infrastructure.
New Butshok Gompa
Himalaya Karuna has significantly supported the reconstruction of the Butshok Gompa in Upper Manang with donations.
The original historical gompa was dilapidated and the location was difficult in terms of lighting the interior. As a result, the temple was rebuilt in 1970, however, this building also had problems. For reasons of space and cost, it was built on a site on the edge of cliffs and is exposed to the dangers of erosion and landslides. The low-budget construction method repeatedly led to water ingress during the monsoon season and further damage caused by wind and weather, meaning that the valuable traditional artifacts are not safe.
old Gompa from 1970
In 2008, Himalaya Karuna e.V. provided the initial impetus for the rebuilding of the monastery - by acquiring a suitable, safely located building plot submontane to the old temple site. From 2010
on, former residents of Upper Manang, who were now successful businessmen in Kathmandu, also became involved in the new construction of the Butshok Gompa. This time, the basic construction was to
be solid and durable, using cement and steel. The Manangies living in distant Kathmandu founded their own association to organize the project and donated generously for the purchase of additional
land and the construction of the new monastery.
new Gompa and monastery (old Gompa on the left)
In the course of the planning, which was supervised with great expertise by Khenpo Chökey, the new building grew into a major construction project. Monks' quarters and a guest house were added to the temple, which were largely financed by Himalaya Karuna. There was also a substantial contribution to the furnishing of the interior of the temple, the monks' quarters, the kitchen and the guest house, as well as the paving of the courtyard and the construction of a staircase leading up to the temple.
In 2021 the monastery was successfully completed and in May 2023 the inauguration ceremony was held by Mingyur Rinpoche in the presence of Lama Sönam and the new board of Himalaya Karuna!
see News
Inauguration of Butshok Gompa
Construction of the Butshok Gompa
Here are some photos of the construction process, which took over 10 years in total:
Construction of the monks' accommodation with guest house
Further information on the project can be found here: